Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

Looking forward to the new year, I have to believe it can only be better than the past one. At least after January 20 the White House will be home to someone with intelligence and real leadership abilities.

As California moves in to the new year, Proposition 8 will be challenged in the courts and perhaps overturned before it can deny rights to LGBT citizens who have already married legally in that state.

As Texas moves into the new year, we have mixed blessings. On the down side, George Bush is moving to Dallas, or at least Laura is. His "library" will be built at SMU and most likely will become a white elephant, as most of his papers will remained locked away. On the positive side, at least he won't be president.

For me, I look forward to more writing and steady income! I will be lecturing and traveling less, since I only will be attending events that pay for my transportation. I have funded my own travel to these events in the past and it is way too expensive now.

Less travel mean I will be spending more time with my family and friends and sincerely hope they don't get tired of my company.

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