Monday, December 29, 2008

LGBT Teens More Likely To Commit Suicide

Listening to the radio this morning I was struck by a report on NPR that said a recent study showed that LGBT teenagers are at higher risk of drug abuse and suicide if their parents are unaccepting of their sexuality. I actually uttered the word, "duh"!

We need a study to show that? I can give you example after example of friends who turned to drugs and attempted suicide as teens because their parents and church rejected them. I don't need a stinking study!

The good thing is the study offers more proof that the attitudes toward LGBT teens is a life threatening issue. Clergy who rant against gays and lesbians actually do harm to these kids, and that should be a wake up call.

We already know the whole "ex gay" thing is a fraud and now this report. When will people just learn that LGBT people are a fact of life and should be embraced as another child of God, not someone to be cured?

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