Monday, November 03, 2008

Palin Stonewalls Her Medical Records - Hiding Something Big?

Seems Sarah Palin has been disingenuous in her claims that she would release medical records for herself prior to the election. After numerous promises and much cajoling by the press she still has yet to do so. What is she hiding?

Here is my theory. If you remember her daughter's pregnancy was finally exposed to the press after rumors swirled that her youngest child was not Sarah Palin's but her daughter's. In an effort to dispute the rumors, Palin announced that her daughter was pregnant now with her boyfriends baby. I guess this somehow blunts the possibility that Trig born in April was not Sarahs baby.

However! And this is a big however, her medical records would prove the pregnancy was Sarah Palin's and not her daughter's or vice-versa. I suspect the rumor may have been true and like an episode of Desperate Housewives, Sarah faked her pregnancy and claimed the baby as hers to protect her daughter. Medical records could put to rest that theory, but since she refuses to release them, I am guessing it's more than a theory!

The pther possibility is she has something bad in her records that would not instill comfidence in the voting public. Either way, it's really fishy and the public has a right to know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andrew Sullivan's long exposition of the Trig pregnancy saga ("Palin's Medical Records II", October 20) leaves you thinking he has a theory he's hinting at. Is he trying to suggest that perhaps once Palin realized from the amniocentesis that her unborn suffered from Down Syndrome, she behaved with such medical/maternal imprudence on the Texas trip because she wanted to induce a miscarriage?