Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Marriott Boycott - No Money For Mormons!

It's high time we stopped supporting the Mormons. Their influence and money were deciding factors in the passing of Proposition 8 in California. That little ballot initiative cancelled about 20,000 marriages in one fell swoop.

Marriott Hotels is owned and operated by the Marriott family, who are major figures in the Mormon church. I have no problem with Mormons, except when they try to infringe on my rights and that steams me! I will stop staying at Marriott hotels in the future and encourage all my LGBT friends to do the same. They fought against our rights with money, now let's return the favor!


Anonymous said...

good idea. mormons care a LOT about money so a boycott is a good idea. getting info on exactly where the mormon money is allocated is tough, they are notoriously cagey with their financial information. born a mormon, i just wrote my official resignation letter and will notarize and mail it off today. i haven't been a believer in a very long time but now i'm unable to tolerate the disgust at having my name associated with them any longer. go boycott!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Marriott's official statement on the matter. You may find it interesting.

Hardy Haberman said...

Thanks for the update. I posted my response here,