Tuesday, October 28, 2008

McCain's Big Bang - Car Crash Covered Up

Back in 1964, when McCain was in the Navy, he may have been involved in a fatal car crash near the gates of the Naval Base at Portsmouth, Virginia. Vanity Fair has filed Freedom of Information Act papers to uncover the incident which appears to have been covered up by the Navy.

According to a news story in Huffington Post:
"Plaintiffs have also obtained documents showing that law enforcement officers were ordered back to the accident scene to retrieve personal physical effects. The Navy has never publicly acknowledged this information," one document reads. "This request involves federal government activity, as it addresses what may be an attempt by the Navy to protect by concealment the involvement of a former Navy officer, sitting Senator and Presidential candidate in a serious incident involving the injury or death of another human being."
More bad news for the McCain campaign, now reeling from interval strife and low numbers in the polls.

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