Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hillary Hits A Home Run For The Team!

Hillary Clinton got my attention last night when she gave a speech that was a wholehearted endorsement of Barack Obama or President. I had trepidations about what she might do, but in the end she became a party loyalist and saw that the real challenge to America right now is not her being elected, but McCain being defeated!

It is my hope that she effectively persuaded her supporters to throw their support behind the Democratic nominee and go on to vote Barack Obama into office this November. I suspect there will be a few who will still resist, but if they listen to reason they might realize that McCain will do them no favors. As Hillary said," we don't need four more years . . . of the last eight years."


Anonymous said...

What do you mean 'in the end she became a party loyalist'? She always said she would support the nominee. After she conceded, she campaigned for Obama.

Are you upset that she made Obama work hard for the nomination?

Hardy Haberman said...

To clarify my statement, Hillary Clinton ran a very divisive campaign and there was much speculation in the press about whether she would try to throw the convention into a floor fight.

I like Hillary, but I think she has a problem. You can hear it in her speeches, she is always referring to "I" and "me" whereas Obama most often uses "we" and "us". It's a small thing but it gives a real insight into her thought processes.

It takes an ego to run for President, no question about that, but it also takes someone who has the best interests of the country at heart. I think she showed that side of her last night and I applaud that.