Monday, June 23, 2008

McCain Advisor Sees A New Terrorist Attack As "Advantage To McCain"

John McCain’s advisers are really sick puppies. McCain's chief strategist, Charlie Black, told Fortune magazine, that a terrorist attack before the elections would be, and this is the real quote, “…it would be a big advantage to him.”

So the McCain camp sees terrorists attacks on the US as a political leverage, not as what it would be, a horrific tragedy. This is the same kind of thinking Bush/Cheney used after 9-11 and it is the kind of thinking that has brought our nation to the brink of disaster.

To openly admit that your campaign would use a terrorists attack as an opportunity for electioneering is outrageous. Anyone who considered voting for McCain should read this and understand that McCain is cut from the same cloth as Bush and Cheney. He is a despicable opportunist who will use anything, even a national tragedy to political advantage.


Anonymous said...

I not only think it is sick but I think that it shows weakness in McCains campaign if they need to resort to scare tactics to sway voters. What I find really disturbing is that there are terrorists out there, who we know monitor American news and follow the political scene closely who might make good on Black's statement in order to use it as potential avenue to try to influence American politics.

By the way Mr. Haberman, if one wanted to contact You regarding a different issue what would be the best way?

Hardy Haberman said...

You can contact me through my website at

Go to the contact page.

Looking forward to hearing from you.