Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bush Logic - Iran Makes Uranium = Bad, Iran Buys Uranium = Good

In a development that seems to have gone unnoticed by most media, our glorious leader gave a speech to the Rotary Club yesterday in which he noted that Russia was selling enriched uranium to Iran. Somehow he managed to find a convoluted logic in this and the silver lining.

“…today Russia sent some enriched -- or in the process of sending enriched uranium to Iran to help on their civilian nuclear reactor. If that's the case, if the Russians are willing to do that -- which I support -- then the Iranians do not need to learn how to enrich. If the Iranians accept that uranium for a civilian nuclear power plant, then there's no need for them to learn how to enrich.”

So what is the difference if the Iranians learn to enrich uranium or they buy it? They still end up with uranium and prior to this odd logic, that is why we were afraid of them building a bomb. Last time I checked, enriched uranium was needed to build an atomic bomb. Now I suppose the real reason it’s OK now is that they bought it. You see PROFIT always trumps national interests.

Sometimes I feel like we have the Ferengi running the country.

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