Friday, October 12, 2007

Lipstick Latest Poisoned Product - What's That Color, Dead Red?

I have often heard the expression that “vanity knows no pain”, but now I realize it’s not vanity at all, just lead poisoning. Seems lots of lipsticks sold here in the US contain high amounts of lead. In fact 61% of the 33 randomly tested lipsticks contained a significant level of lead, but lead was not listed as an ingredient.

Seems like product safety here in our country has gone the way of the Dodo bird. Kind of makes you long for the pre-Regan era when the Consumer Products Safety Commission had some power and real teeth in its rulings. I also seem to remember the FDA actually monitoring this kind of thing back then. But maybe my mind has been affected by the lead in everything from kid’s toys to cosmetics. Duh?

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