Sunday, September 09, 2007

US Lags Behind Canada, UK, Denmark and Most of Europe in Freedom

This week’s Time Magazine has the results of a survey by the World Bank of Worldwide Governance Indicators. It ranks countries by the amount of freedom its citizens have to voice their opinion and select the government of their choice. The United States comes in at 35th place down from the 2005 survey where we ranked 22nd. Much of the difference is because of restrictions on the press and decreased trust in public officials.

Not surprisingly Denmark topped the survey with a 100% rating, both Canada and the UK best the US with 94.2% and 92.8% respectively. We rated a less than stellar 83.7%. The worst country, Burma got a 0%.

So next time someone regales you with the myth that we live in the freest country in the world, tell them about the great Danes!

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