Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Larry Craig Hopes For His Do-Over Today

Larry Craig will get another day in court today, at least his attorney will. Today he ties to convince the judge that he mistakenly entered a guilty plea to disorderly conduct. That’s going to be pretty hard considering his plea, which had absolutely no details of the alleged crime was probably intended to get processed and slide quietly through the system before he could be found out by the press or others.

I might have worked, but surprise, he got found out! Now he is claiming he just likes to tap his feet on the john and never intended anything when he wiggled his fingers under the stall at an undercover policeman. Aw heck, people do that every day…right!

If the judge does let him withdraw his plea, he will bring a battery of lawyers into court and cloud the case with a flurry of legal maneuvers designed to shroud whatever it was he was doing and frame the case as entrapment. If the judge denies his withdrawal, Craig might have to make good on his “intent” to resign September 30. Personally I am hoping for the latter, he has had enough time in the spotlight.

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