Friday, August 10, 2007

Right Wing Columnist Calls For Another 9/11!

Right wing pundits are usually full of crap, but Stu Bykofsky of the Philadelphia Daily News sets a new record for fecal containment. He feels that America is torn apart, not by the ineptitude and lying of the Bush administration or the misguided policies and nutty war in Iraq, but because we haven’t had enough terrorist attacks.

This guy actually said in a column today, “I'm thinking another 9/11 would help America”.

I guess he looks at how the country came together after the first attack and sees that as a way to bring people rallying around Bush. It might or it might bring crowds of people with pitchforks and torches to the gates of the White House. Either way he is insensitive at best and a f*#king wacko at worst!

I certainly hope our government isn’t reading his crap, because I suspect if Karl Rove decided that he is right, it’s time to duck and cover!

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