Thursday, August 30, 2007

GOP Rallies To Throw Craig To The Wolves!

So it seems that a parade of Republicans are now calling for Larry Craig’s resignation. The list includes John McCain, Norm Coleman, Pete Hoekstra and Jeff Miller to name a few. I really find it amazing that the only kind of scandal that these GOP hypocrites respond to is of a sexual nature, and more specifically a homosexual nature.

For the GOP and many on the right, morality begins at the waist and ends at the knees. It is OK to lie. cheat and steal, just so long as no body had sex doing it, and more heinously gay sex! Our President can lie about WMDs and Saddam and a dozen other statements made before Congress and the public that took us into a tragic war. Thousands of US soldiers and Iraqi civilians can die because of his lies and not a peep form the right!

An Attorney General of the United States comes before Congress and lies numerous times and that is not a problem. Only a couple of lonely voices even mentioned the possibility that he should step down much less be prosecuted for perjury. Otherwise, the right has been silent or worse, supportive of the criminal behavior.

Now, one of their own is caught with his pants down and “Oh the moral outrage!” Well here is the moral outrage, not a single one of those who are crying foul now said anything the other two times he was implicated in a scandal. Craig has a history of public sex allegations and no one from the GOP suggested he leave. Let’s get real. The Republican Party is interested in only one thing, power.

They want a permanent majority, which would equal a dictatorship and they will do anything to get it. Sex scandals, especially gay sex, don’t play well with their base (aka sheep). All they want to hear is quotes from the bible and assurances that they can keep their hunting rifles. The GOP plays these folks like a cheap fiddle and they are being used to take our country toward a totalitarian state. Time to stop this crap and get our country back on track.

And to those who claim we are a Christian nation, John Adams, the second president, wrote in a the treaty of Tripoli that was ratified by Congress ,” As the Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Musselmen….” So let’s get back on the secular track that has kept us strong and free for all religions and people, and throw out every one of the GOP hypocrites and their lackeys.


Ted McLaughlin said...

Thank you for pointing out the U.S. was NOT founded as a christian nation.
That's a lie told far too often these days.

Hardy Haberman said...

Thanks for your comment. As a Christian, I am often appalled at the outrageous lies told by people calling themselves Christian.