Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Specter Gives White House 18 Hours To Fess Up

Arlen Specter is finally getting tough with the Bush White House. After the wacky responses by Alberto Gonzales to questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee, Specter rightfully is asking for clarification.

“Given the difficulty of discussing classified matters in public, I think it is preferable to have a letter addressing that question [of Gonzales’ veracity] from the administration … by noon tomorrow, which will be made available to the news media.... The administration has committed to producing such a letter.”

So here we have a ranking Republican openly questioning and even demanding straight answers from the White House. Now that's different. In the past the GOP marched in lock step behind whatever gobbledygook the Bushies tossed out. I suspect the constituents of Senator Specter are asking him a similar question. Why isn't something being done about the lying and half-truths coming from the White House and the Attorney General?

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