Monday, April 16, 2007

Bush Speech - More Lies About 9/11 And Iraq!

Bush is really desperate. He referred again and again to 9/11 in his speech about Iraq today. He keeps trying to keep the lie alive that Saddam was behind 9/11 or that there were ties to Al Qaeda. Both those lies have been debunked by Bush administration investigators as well as independent sources. Why does he keep lying?

I suspect Bush is incapable of telling the truth about anything. He has to keep the terror level high so people will at least listen to him. Otherwise, we'd all just laugh at him to his face.

His latest crap sounds like the script from the Haunted Mansion in Disney World. "Careful or a ghost will follow you home." Just switch the word ghost for terrorist and that's his pitch. Fight them there so we don;t have to fight them here.

Well just in case anyone is listening to him, we already have fought them here...remember 9/11? And the people we are fighting there are not the same terrorists, they are just combatants in a sectarian civil war. Enough lies Mr. Bush!

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