Thursday, February 08, 2007

Laura And George Bush Separation Story - Update

So far, I have been unable to confirm anything regarding this story. The only absolute is the dynamic increase in traffic to my blog. Since I posted the headline I saw in the Globe Magazine at the supermarket my traffic has increased 300%!

More importantly this increase means the public is not only willing to believe that Bush may indeed have feet of clay, but that they seem eager to find anything that shows him to be a fallible human being. Perhaps it is our societies odd notion that morality starts at the waist and ends at the knees.

Clinton was impeached for lying about having sex. Not a federal crime or treasonous, yet Bush commits dozens of serious acts , any one of which could be considered impeachable and nobody demands his prosecution. Looking at the referrals of a sample of the traffic to my blog, the search terms "Laura and Bush Trial Separation" are the most common. That means either a whole lot of people are fact checking the tabloids, or they want the dirt on the President.

Either way it is a hopeful sign. Either people have stopped taking everything they read for granted and are willing to do a little research to find the truth, or people are desperate to find anything incriminating on Bush so they can feel good about wanting him out of office.

Why wait? Write your congressperson now and demand investigations and impeachment now!


Anonymous said...

"people have stopped taking everything they read for granted and are willing to do a little research to find the truth" --- that is why I came here. I figured it was something like "separated while he was in military and found it a trial," or some such non-sense.

Anonymous said...

yes, i was doing a search for laura and bush separated. this is because in a gossip column i read, the awful truth, he reported that laura left george because he's drinking again.

this guy is no national enquirer (which, actually, is right a fair amount of the time). have to admit i was interested.

Anonymous said...

Everyone in the white house press corp. believed this to be true last winter. (about the time of the blog entry) It was termed a trial separation. What's the biggie? All marriages go through some hard times. Imagine being George or married to George? A man that far past his abilities must have a great deal of stress.
Anyway, haven't heard anything since winter. All the major newspaper staffs with a Washington office would know this rumor.

Anonymous said...

surely they really go with the trial separation because maybe Bush has this bogus liaisons with his secretary of state that was on other tabloids cover stories.

sounds somewhat an eye opener.

Anonymous said...

For all that this sack of crap has done to the world and our country, I wish him not one single moment of peace. I do hope the world wakes up (including our current President) and pursues prosecution of both he and dick. They both belong behind bars, much more so than people like a Charles Manson!

Anonymous said...

I searched this story after someone told me this 'news' which I suspect is not true. I adore George and Laura and would be crushed if they separated. They are both wonderful people.

Anonymous said...

All men and women have some dissagreements in their marriage, some big and some petty. Give them a chance. It just proves they are human. The person referring to Manson must be a close follower and maybe needs to be investigated further. I wouldn't want him in my neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

I only heard the rumor today,and didn't believe it but decided to check it out just to make sure. I to would be disappointed if they divorced, I have always liked them. Oh by the way the National Enquirer is the only tabloid i trust. I didn't believe not for a second that they would print such a lie.