Saturday, September 09, 2006

ABC Movie Of 9/11 Actually Funded By Fundamentalist Christian Organization

I sensed a hidden had behind the ABC TV project, Path to 9/11" and it turns out I was correct. Looks like an evangelical conservative Christian group is the actual funding source and producer of the project. The director’s family is tied to the fundamentalist group Youth With A Mission, whose "mission" is to infiltrate Hollywood and produce movies that carry their skewed version of history.

Their first project working script was titled the Untitled History Project, and was begun in 2005 as a history of 9/11. The production company was co-founded with Disney called UHP Productions.

Do the math and this adds up to propaganda pure and simple. Write your local affiliate of ABC and protest its blatant distortion of history today.


Anonymous said...

If a guy with a blog called "Dungeon Diary" says it's so, who are we to question his facts?

Anonymous said...

Don't let the name fool you. The story has a lot of connections that seem very plausable.