Tuesday, September 05, 2006

ABC 9/11 Docudrama Full Of Lies

ABC TV joins the Republican lie machine with their alleged docudrama "Path to 9/11". They have a key scene which never happened, where the Clinton administration supposedly has Bin Laden surrounded and fails to act. According to Richard Clarke, the counterterrorism czar under Bush the Elder, Clinton, and Bush the Lesser, it never happened.

Time to stop the propaganda. Take action and let ABC know they can't cook the facts right before the election.

BREAKING NEWS: It seems that ABC sent pre-broadcast versions of the show to right-wing bloggers only. This shows a blatant political slant for the missleading program and they must know about it.

Call this guy and let him know how you feel:

Kevin Brockman
ABC Vice President for Publicity
(818) 460 6655

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