Friday, December 15, 2006

Boiled Like Lobsters - The Real GOP Plan

A nice warm bath! That’s what the lobster thinks as the pot of water heats up. You see, you put them in the water before it boils and they never know they are being cooked until the die. Kind of like the slow and methodical removal of our rights as Americans. The GOP and the neocons have been carefully and slowly turning back the Bill of Rights in an attempt to lull us to sleep.

It’s just a little thing, taking away the right to hear the accusations against you, especially if you are not currently in trouble with the law. It’s just a little thing, holding a few "enemy combatants" without charges for years in isolation. It’s just a little thing, classifying every word spoken in the White House. It’s just a little thing making meetings that decide public policy "top secret". It’s just a little thing of having a religious organization with an official Pentagon office holding sanctioned prayers.

Pretty soon it will just be a little thing of censoring our right to comment on the Internet, and then a little more. Before we know it we will be drifting to sleep for good. Boiled in a pot of totalitarianism and under the thumb of a theocracy. We will taste delicious, as we are served up on a platter for the rich and powerful to feast on.

I look around me and I see everyone I know turning red. They are red with anger at the demise of our Democracy, but not angry enough to do anything. Like the hapless lobster, they will be bright red when they finally drift off, and they will never know what the real problem was.

It is time to take back our Democracy. It is time to take back our country and our very souls. The people in power in this administration are beyond corrupt. They are soulless. Not evil, just hollow. They have a vision of a country I cannot understand. A country ruled by a super wealthy oligarchy and governed with some kind of selective theocratic law. The problem is, unless you are part of their ruling elite, you are irrelevant.

Taking back the Congress for Democrats will have an effect only if we hold them to a plan of action to restore the rights that we have lost. Write your elected representative and tell them you expect them to act to reverse the horrible path that the Republicans have taken us down. Get involved with your local Democratic Party and make your voice heard. Take a few moments to climb to the rim of the pot and look out to see where we once were. It’s not too late, but we have to wake up to the problem and take action.

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