Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Anti-Gay Church Must Pay Marine's Family

Looks like Fred Phelps, the fringe Kansas preacher who has been picketing war vet funerals, is getting a little payback. A court has ordered him to pay $3,150 in court costs t othe father of a Marine whose funeral his group picketed.

Fred and his storefront church in Topeka get their rocks off by picketing funerals. They started with those of gay men who died of AIDS. Carrying such lovely "christian" signs as "God Hates Fags", they have now turned to the funerals of Iraq war veterans. In some kind of twisted logic, he puts the war at the feet of America’s gays and lesbians and feels that the death of our soldiers is God’s retribution on America.

Finally Fred is getting a little of his own medicine.

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