Saturday, November 11, 2006

MSNBC Shows 87% Want Impeachment - Wait A While...

It is an interesting position the Democrats find themselves in. The overwhelming majority of folks surveyed recently by MSNBC want Bush impeached. Yet, Pelosi and Dean say they want no impeachment.

Why? Well, my theory is that as long as the threat of impeachment, and a popular impeachment at that, hangs over Bush’s head, he will be more agreeable to the proposals put forward by the Democratic Senate and House. So, maybe some of the disastrous policies he enacted can be reversed. On balance, that would be worth more than a quickie impeachment.

Does that make me want it any less, not really, but I understand the political leverage it implies and that is a good thing. Now, Democrats, hold your representatives responsible for their work and let’s see some changes now.

By the way, I have already ordered my "Pelosi 2007" bumper sticker. The joke will not be lost on anyone with a little political savvy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go impeachment! George Bush needs to leave ASAP!!!!!!! :)