Friday, July 14, 2006

US and Israel - Worshiping The God Of War

As the US and Israel bow before the statue of Mars I wonder where the commandment about "having no other gods before me" went. We share many things in common with the people of Israel, our faith among them. Unfortunately few Jews or Christians in power seem to be taking the teaching of their faiths very seriously, instead we worship the God of War.

Beyond the imperialist dreams of American politicians, our current war has much of its roots (or at least its justification) in vengeance. The burning desire for revenge is the same motivation for the Israeli’s attacks on Lebanon. Using force to settle differences comes up short on success when examined closely, yet we and our Israeli brethren continue to try it over and over again.

As a member of a 12-step program, I was often reminded that the definition of insanity is "trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results". It’s time the US and Israel and the rest of the Middle East stepped up and took a sobriety chip. They are drunk on the intoxicating spirit of revenge and until they put it down, there will never be peace.

Unfortunately, the opportunists have every reason to keep the wars going. They make billions of dollars on the death and destruction. Until we can find a way to make war unprofitable, I suspect we will continue down this long road of self-destruction. It is a slow motion death, because the war profiteers don’t want total annihilation, they just want "controlled conflicts" where they can sell their bombs and guns. The sad truth is that this is really death by a thousand cuts. Little by little we loose our ability to bring the world back from the brink, and unless we do something soon, Mars, God of War, will be the only idol left.

My hope is that people of faith can persuade our leaders and the leaders in the middle east to give up this suicidal activity and sit down to real peace talks. Everyone knows what needs to happen. Israel needs to assure the Palestinians that they will have a sovereign country. The Palestinians must assure the Israelis that they understand the reality of the situation and Israel has a right to exist. The last one will be tough, but people of faith and conscience can do it, and that is to make Jerusalem an "international city", governed by a coalition of religious and political leaders from around the world.

Will it happen? I hope so, but it will only be possible when we put down our guns and missiles and start to talk to each other like equal human beings. A Jewish Rabbi once said, "blessed are the peacemakers." Time to listen to that message before it is too late.

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