Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Cost Of War Just Went Up Another $110 Billion

Buried in the mid-session budget review, the White House requested an additional $110 billion for the war in Iraq. Having proudly trumpet the deficit reduction, actually the 4th highest deficit in history, Bush now wants even more money next year to continue the futile war.

As Iraq descends into full-scale civil war, Rumsfeld pops in for a surprise visit and to rally the troops. Another photo-op in the battle of photo-ops that this administration seems to be waging.

Where will this leave us? Deeper in debt, further embroiled in the Middle East and less safe than before. More importantly, where will this leave the people of Iraq? In even worse shape than us, with little infrastructure, more dead and wounded and no stable government. Anybody trying to plan and end game for this? Probably not with elections here coming up soon. In the end I guess we are left to pray for the troops, the Iraqis and ourselves, because no one in Washington seems to be listening.

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