Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Taliban Makes Full Recovery - Evil Doers May Be Winning

Freedom is on the March? Well not exactly! In Afghanistan, the Taliban, (remember those "evil doers") have made a full comeback and are filling the vacuum left by the teetering Afghani government. According to ABC news, "The United States military is quietly carrying out the largest military offensive in Afghanistan since U.S. troops invaded the country in 2001."

This of course is not being heralded by the Bush Administration since it would make them look weak, and for Bush, appearance is everything. Speaking of the Taliban, wonder what ever happened to Mullah Omar or more importantly Osama Ben Ladin? Guess those "evil doers" are off the Bush radar for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, good question. What happened to them?

They haven't accomplished anything since 9/11, once President Bush declared this war on terror. They've been marginalized because they're hiding in a cave somewhere and everyone around them is being killed.

Liberals' obsession with only getting "Ben Laden" shows how little you understand about this stuff. There is a global terror network and killing bin Laden would be nice but now he's just a symbol of the thousands of other active terrorists we should be focused on killing.