Monday, June 26, 2006

Bush Believes There Is A Debate On Global Warming, And Other Myths

In a stunning display of ignorance the President claimed there was still a "real debate" over global warming. On other topics he of course believe "intelligent design" is a viable alternative to evolution. This administrations intense hatred of science is dumfounding. How can our country move into the 21st century with a population that is home schooled, taught creation myths as fact and falls prey to every industrial press release. We are raising a nation of uncritical thinkers with little curiosity and even less common sense.

Next Bush will be asking the "Flat Earth" crap be included in our science curriculums. Enough is enough! It’s time to put science back in the classrooms and religion back in our churches and this poor excuse for a president in jail. Democrats really need to capitalize on the criminal acts and downright stupid things Bush and his rubber stamp congress have been doing or there is no hope.

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