Friday, January 07, 2011

Border Fence - Billions to Build, Seconds to Climb Over!

While cruising around YouTube I found this gem.  It shows our multi-billion dollar border fence.  This structure, though very neat and impressive is easily conquered by two teenage girls in less than 18 seconds.  This shows the downright lame brained "build a wall" approach to border security is useless.

I understand this won't matter to the Tea Party or anyone else eager to use jingoistic talking points, but the proof is in the video, the fence was a boondoggle and made a whole lot of money for contractors and did absolutely nothing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHAT where they (the government) thinking??????

Didn't they at least do the scratch and sniff test first... build a short test section, and see who could climb over it first.

Winner gets American Citizenship, unemployment comp for the rest of his/her life, welfare, and full retirement!

richard h.
fort worth, texas, usa