Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Bush Rewrites History - "I was a dissenting voice" in Iraq War

In one of the most blatant acts of hubris in his political career, Ex President Bush has written his "memoirs.  Now since I feel pretty sure this is a work by a ghost writer, I guess I should cut "W" some slack, but I am not feeling particularly charitable.

In a book promotion interview with Matt Lauer, Bush says in response to a questoin about dissenters in the rush to go to war with Iraq:
I was a dissenting voice. I didn’t want to use force. I mean force is the last option for a President. And I think it’s clear in the book that I gave diplomacy every chance to work.
Strange coming from the man who is quoted as saying "“We need to get Saddam Hussein…that Mother fucker tried to take out my Dad.”

The Republicans feel they can rewrite history with impugnity and unless someone stops them they are right.  It is up to us, the people who lived through that dark era to stand up and call "foul" every time one of the GOP talking heads spouts a party line lie.  Well I am calling FOUL!

Bush is lying in his memoir and he lied in office.  He should have been impeached, but the Congress then as now has no balls.  If the talk show hosts let him continue to lie to the public, we will look back on his disastrous presidency with fond remembrance, and that would be a travesty to our children and to history.

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