Monday, October 25, 2010

GOProud Actively Working Against Gay Candidates

First of all in the interest of full disclosure, I am a Democrat. Second of all I sincerely believe the alleged LGBT organization GOProud is a hoax.  Otherwise, why would they be going after one of the few openly gay politicians in the Senate, Barney Frank.  OK,  Frank is a Democrat, but these alleged LGBT folks see his fiscal policies as more important than his record on LGBT issues.

This kind of cognitive dissonance is not that rare from Republicans, but for people who are supposedly openly gay to take this kind of stance makes me wonder at their grasp of reality or their veracity as a genuine LGBT organization.  Personally, I think they are fake.  These are the insane people who invite Ann Coulter to their events.  If they were Jews in Germany in the 1930's they would be inviting Dr. Joseph Mengele over to give a talk on eugenics.

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