Sunday, July 11, 2010

Despicable Me - A Lovable Picture!

Steve Carell is everywhere this month. Doing cameos on the Colbert Report, making the radio talk circut and all over the media.  His career has been on the ascendant for several years but his latest copu,. having a successful TV show, and two movies released at the same time really shows just how much this guy works.

His latest role, as the voice of Gru in "Despicable Me" give Carell a chance to do a really broad character that clearly falls outside his "look".  If it was a live action movie, it wouldn't work, but as the voice of the nefarrious and yet lovable Gru he is perfect.

At times sounding a bit like Boris Badenoff of "moose and squirrel" fame Gru is driven by his life long quest to be the most evil villain ever.  His foil is a Bill Gates like nerd who dresses in sweatpants and has a Moe Howard haircut.

The story is fun and sweet and spiked with enough dual-level humor to entertain adults...a lot!

The 3D was spectacular and used to good effect, though the gimmick aspect was evident, however the producers used the gimmicks self consciously and so it all became part of the joke.  The inside joke came at the end during the credits.  If you had an iPhone or other smart phone, you could download an app...yes there is an app for this movie.  Best Buy teamed up with the producers to provide an interactive experience at the end of the picture.  I won't spoil the gag, but get the app before going and turn on your iPhone to silent and start the app when the picture begins.  You won't be disappointed.

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