Thursday, April 16, 2009

Glen Beck, Succession & Texans

Last night I saw a clip of Glen Beck, the wingnut to end all wingnuts, talking about Texas succession. Now let's put this in perspective. A demonstration organized and promoted by Fox News and masquerading as a grassroots thing took place yesterday at the Alamo.

Those in attendance, a few hundred mostly white, fringe folks who would be better suited to a Ron Paul rally than the GOP listened to some odd speeches about tyranny and oppression. Funny, not a single one of them looked oppressed and most hadn't a clue what tyranny really meant.

Amidst all this faux-drama were a couple of signs calling for succession. Mr' Beck took this as a great groundswelling of public opinion and postulated on the topic endlessly on his show and others.

Beck is a fool. Succession is not by any means something people are demanding and he and his network are just using this as a launching pad for some kind of panic to drive people to the GOP and away from reality. Those two are mutually exclusive.

Can someone please tell him to shut the hell up and go back to wherever he is from and leave us peace loving Texans alone?

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