Thursday, April 09, 2009

Betty Brown And Those Darned Asians

I love Texas. It's a great state to live in except for the idiots we have as our representatives.

Case in point: Rep. Betty Brown. Seems Betty has trouble pronouncing the names of people of Asian descent. So to save her actually having to learn how to say the names correctly, she feels those pesky Asians should Americanize their names instead. This is what she actually told Chinese American representative, Ramey Ko the following:

“Rather than everyone here having to learn Chinese — I understand it’s a rather difficult language — do you think that it would behoove you and your citizens to adopt a name that we could deal with more readily here?”

So by that standard, I guess "One Stone" would be better than Einstein and someone named Abercrombie should be called "Swamp Land " a loose translation of the Celtic surname. Maybe folks named Buckingham should Americanize their names by using the root meaning, "Beech Tree Town". Kind of flows off the tongue doesn't it?

Betty is an idiot. Let's not mince words here. She is a bigot disguising her bigotry as some kind of semantic simplification exercise. What she is really saying is, "Wouldn't it just be easier if everyone was just like me?"

Well Betty (by the way you have a Dutch name originally "Beatrice"), how about taking a few moments to use the education you got in school and learn how to pronounce the names correctly. You don't have to know Chinese, since everyone's name in this country is already "Americanized" by the fact that it is phonetically spelled in our alphabet, or actually the "Latin" alphabet. So why not just shut up and go crawl under an Einstein.

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