Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Rush Limbaugh - The Real Face Of The GOP

Watching tapes of Rush Limbaugh at the CPAC gathering this week really showed me how bankrupt the GOP is. I listened to his ad-lib speech, which sounded a lot like someone who was high on pain-killer, and marveled. He simultaneously misquoted the Constitution, as well as the Declaration of Independence and went on to reaffirm his wish that our president fail in his attempts to reinvigorate the economy.

Worse still was his and the rest of the speakers attempts to distance themselves from the Bush administration. Say what? Last year at this same meeting the audience chanted "four more years" when President Bush took the stage. Apparently the Republican talent for denying reality is very well developed.

Limbaugh even went so far as to group Bush and Obama in the same sentence referring to our economic policy as the "Bush/ Obama" policy.

If anyone ever had any doubts they were erased at that meeting. Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the Republican Party. Michael Steele is just a convienent token puppet to enable the GOP to "re-brand" itself.

Re-branding is a difficult task, just ask the coal industry how well that "clean coal" thing is going.

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