Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Iraq Government Wants US Out Of Iraq

Remember back when President Bush was asked how long we would be in Iraq and he responded with a declaration that we would be there as long as the Iraqi government saw fit. Well guess what? The following is from a press release by Center for American Progress.

On Monday, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki raised the prospect of "setting a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops as part of negotiations over a new security agreement with Washington." During an official visit to Abu Dhabi, the capital of United Arab Emirates, Maliki told a gathering of Arab ambassadors, "Today, we are looking at the necessity of terminating the foreign presence on Iraqi lands and restoring full sovereignty."

Sovereignty, that was the word Bush had so much trouble defining in one of his speeches, I guess now I know why. The Bush administration seems content to occupy Iraq. As many people in that country see it, we are trying to colonize Iraq. Perhaps the best insight into the whole thing was the first name for the military action that started all this. At first the Pentagon called it "Operation Iraqi Liberation" but then someone saw that the acronym would be OIL. I guess that was too close to the truth for even the Bush bunch.

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