Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Crass Pro-GOP Billboard Shows Twin Towers Ablaze

Local Republican leaders in Florida are feigning a sense of outrage. But face it, the billboard depicting the twin towers burning is the image the GOP has been trading on for 7 years. Now a local musician has created a song he hopes will help the GOP and by using the image of the towers he caused a big stink.

Perhaps the reason is because if you think about this image, take away the visceral reaction and really think. 9/11 happened during the Bush presidency. A Republican was in office and he failed to protect the country from this attack. Maybe that is why the GOP is outraged? Though it is clearly meant to support them, it's not only crass, but it shows the Republicans greatest failure.

Either way. the billboard needs to come down. And oh yes, the Democrats are rightfully outraged as well!

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