Saturday, November 03, 2007

Pakistan On Verge Of Disaster - State of Emergency Declared!

There is no other way to say it, Pakistan seems ready to implode. Today Pervez Musharraf, the president of the country has declared a state of emergency preceding the ruling by the Supreme Court of Pakistan as to the validity of his election. He has clamped down on all press, TV communications and suspended the constitution. That is the act of a dictator and despot, and the bad news is, he is our ally.

Obviously the Court will rule against his authority and he will use the military to retain his power. Once again the US has come down on the side of a ruthless dictator. How many times do we have to have this happen before we learn? Bush in his attempt to create a coalition to fight Al Qaeda has teamed up with a military strongman and now we reap the consequences. Worse still, the entire region may be thrown into turmoil by a ruthless regime armed with nuclear bombs. Meanwhile Bush rails against Iran, a country with no nuclear bombs yet.

I sincerely fear the outcome of this state of emergency for the Pakistani people, and more importantly I fear something similar happening here. What? It can’t happen here. Nonsense! Bush and his cronies have been carefully eliminating any barriers to his power in the government with their political appointees. These folks are usually unqualified to run the agencies they are in charge of, but they are loyal to Bush and that is all important. It is no small leap to see ourselves in a similar situation.

Already Bush has threatened to rule by administrative decree and circumvent Congress. His Executive Orders have laid the groundwork for a dictatorship in the event of a “national emergency” where Congress would be dissolved. All this could lead up to a similar scenario to what is happening in Pakistan.

These are troubling times, and though I still believe in the good sense of the American People, I often worry that we have been lulled into a sleep. I sincerely hope when we awaken it is not to a completely different country, one this is no longer a democracy. God bless America, and God bless the people of Pakistan.

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