Saturday, August 25, 2007

Fred Thompson, Stealth Candidate?

The big question seems to be, when Fred Thompson is going to announce his candidacy for GOP nominee for the presidential race. I suspect he will put it off as long as possible. So long as the Hollywood star and former Nixon operative remains aloof, he has no legal obligation to disclose where his funds are coming from. He can keep his war chest a mystery.

One wonders if he hasn’t been taking lessons from Dick Cheney, master of secrecy? He has been making speeches like a candidate, attending t the same photo ops as candidates and going through all the motions of being a candidate, but just has avoided the little legality of declaring himself.

Meanwhile Romney and Huckabee are pressing the same flesh and speaking at many of the same events, but they are playing by the rules. Though I have no admiration for anyone in the GOP right now, at least they are somewhat honest about their intentions. Come on Fred, declare or get out of the spotlight.

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