Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Terrorist Plot Foiled - Bush Still Clueless

So Bush has used the really tired line of "we have to fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here" so many times I want to puke. If he forgot, we already did fight them here on 9/11. Additionally, the idiot masquerading as our President, told us if we leave Iraq, the "terrorists will follow us home."

Guess what? They aren't going to wait for us to leave, they are already here. Six Islamic terrorists were arrested yesterday while plotting a shootout at Fort Dix Army Base. They are here because we are there, not because we are going to leave.

Were they caught with the new provisions in the Patriot Act? Nope, just an alert shopkeeper who saw a really disturbing DVD he was asked to copy for one of the plotters. Later an informant recorded a conversation with more evidence. No wiretaps, Internet snoop or other crap that the Homeland Security folks say is critical involved.

I am grateful that the Justice Department had enough non-political operatives left to catch these guys! Now, lets clean up Washington, DC by throwing the criminals in the White House
out and make America safer for everyone. Impeachment NOW!

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