Monday, May 28, 2007

Tainted Stuffing Fills Cuddly Toys From China

Aw, what a cute little fluffy bear! Well don't get too close to it, seems some stuffed toys from China may contain industrial waste and bacteria or viruses. They are using trash to stuff them with instead of new materials. Additionally, baby clothes may contain toxic chemicals that are not supposed to be there.

Just another testament to low low prices! Guess we get what we pay for? First it was tainted pet food, now it's stuffed toys. What's next? How long will it take our cuckolded government to start cracking down on imports that do not meet safety standards? As long as Bush is in the White House you can bet that won't happen, unless he gets sick from tainted products from China. Here's hoping that will not happen, and our country will come to it's senses before it's too late.

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