Monday, February 19, 2007

Group Lobbies UN To Launch Asteroid Rescue Mission

Here’s a riddle. What is 460 feet long, spinning in space, and is on a very near collision course wit hearth in 2036?

If you guessed Apophis the asteroid, you’re right!

Seems there is a potential killer hurtling toward us and it just might collide in 2036. Now the odds are 1in 45,000 but every day millions of people risk worse odds trying to win the lottery. Luckily a group of former astronauts and cosmonauts are lobbying the UN to do something about it. They have proposed a "Gravity Tractor" mission to tug the asteroid further away from its collision course.

The cost of such a mission? Only around 300 million, and that would be a drop in the bucket compared with the end of an entire city or region of the earth. Sounds like a really good use of our tax dollars.

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