Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Guantanamo Prisoner Abuse Escalates - FBI Witnesses It!

More proof that the Bush administration has run amok! Interrogators at Guantanamo are doing the same things that brought so much criticism previously, defacing the Koran and abusing prisoners and this time it’s the FBI that says so. The FBI reports a new sacrilege as well, a fake priest "baptizing" prisoners. Bush folks have sunk to a new low now using the Christian religion as a weapon. And what are they getting from these prisoners now that they haven’t gotten in the past YEARS? Why is the torture continuing and interrogation still going on long after any information these prisoners might have is out of date and useless?

Stop the Bush administration now. Demand Impeachment of the whole gang of thugs and let’s restore American justice and America’s reputation in the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep at it brother hardy! You may get Gearge fired yet! I hope so.