Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Of Polar Bears, Gerald Ford & Castro

As the arctic sea ice melts away the habitat of the polar bear is reduced, and finally the Bush administration has admitted it may be a problem. A source within the Interior Department leaked the information that the polar bear may soon be under the protection of the Endangered Species Act. They spoke under condition of anonymity, since the Bush folks don’t want to appear as though they are admitting the global warming may be a reality. Remember they create their own realities!

As Coca-Cola watches it’s most recognizable spokesbear disappear from the face of the earth, I suspect they may be considering ways to jump on the ecology friendly bandwagon. I suspect we will see Coke ads soon that encourage recycling and fuel economy. And while you’re at it, share a Coke and a smile!

Then there is the passing of another endangered creature, an ex-president of the US. Gerald Ford died last night. He will be fondly remembered as the man who ended the Republican Party’s long nightmare by pardoning Nixon. As the country’s only unelected president he held a unique position. His wife, Betty became a hero of many recovering addicts by publicly admitting her addiction and later starting the renowned Betty Ford Clinic. For that, so many American’s are grateful. Betty Ford made the subject of addiction an acceptable topic and brining it out of the closet led thousands to recovery.

Finally there is Fidel Castro. As he lingers in what has been described as a "near-death" state, he reaches another milestone. He has outlived yet another US president and defiantly maintained the sovereignty of Cuba in the face of the most vociferous detractors. Though I am no great fan of Communism, I have to admit that Fidel has held on to power much longer than I expected. My only hope is that once he passes, our country will come to its senses and begin normal relations with Cuba. I really miss the cigars.

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