Thursday, December 07, 2006

Gas Prices Rise - Just In Time For Christmas

So back in October, I predicted the price of gasoline would rise after the elections. In fact it has an average of 8 cents a gallon nationwide and it is still climbing. According to industry experts this time of year gas prices usually remain stable. Of course these are the industry experts who are manipulating the prices.

Here’s my further prediction: Gas prices will continue to rise until the inauguration of the new congress, then they will skyrocket for a short time until there is an investigation of price fixing by oil companies. Once the investigation starts prices will drop again.

If anyone can’t see what’s happening, they it’s too late for them. Oil companies are gaming the system and screwing the consumer. Why was Cheney’s Energy Advisory board top secret? Because that is where they discussed this exact scenario. The American public is being screwed and with Bush in the White House we have no protection. Perhaps a Democratic Congress can stop this crap?

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