Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bush Calls King's X On India Nuke Deal

Seems like King George just can't resist flaunting his imagined powers. He has issued a signing statement on the recent "Henry Hyde United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act". That act took over a year of wrangling top get it through Congress and now the President says he is not bound by the bill he just signed!

What kind of fantasy is he living in? This just shows that his signature is about as good as his word. He lies when he speaks, why not when he signs a bill? This guy is delusional beyond all reason. He must step down and take his toadies with him. The GOP needs to grow some cajones and have a real "come to Jesus meeting" with the guy. For the good of the country he must go and take Cheney with him. If the Democrats won't impeach him, then the GOP needs to step up to the plate and call for a resignation.

America is at risk, and someone must tell the Emperor he has no clothes.

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