Monday, November 20, 2006

McCain Now Anti-Abortion - Massive Flip-Flop!

John McCain has sold his soul to the GOP. Who can I say this? Well look at his recent cuddle-fest with the Bush Junta. He was tarred and feathered by Bush operatives during the primaries and now he’s best buddies. Looks like a deal was made somewhere. Second bit of damning evidence? Now after firmly stating that he was pro choice, he now says he favors overturning Roe Vs Wade.

This is not just a "flip-flop" it’s a blatant move toward the hard right and the Falwell camp. McCain want’s a cozy seat as VP before the 2008 elections, and it doesn’t take a genius to anticipate Cheney stepping down soon to allow a possible contender to get a prized incumbency.

Watch for Cheney to suddenly have "health" concerns and move aside to allow a GOP hopeful to fill his seat. My bet is on McCain, but Condi Rice is another strong contender, unless the whole Bush-Rice affair blows up.

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