Friday, August 04, 2006

Santorum Signs Gay Rights Pledge - Hell Freezes Over

Rick " Mad Dog" Santorum (R-PA) signed a pro-gay rights pledge today affirming that his office does not discriminate in hiring on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. As the lake of fire fizzled under the advancing sheets of ice, Satan mused, "Well I guess we all knew this day would come, I just hope global warming will have an effect down here."

On a serious note, it is amazing that Santorum so willing signed the document that assures a basic right his state denies. One has to wonder if he intends to really stick by this statement or is he just doing it to get the advocates off his back so he can really discriminate against gays. Remember this is the same Rick Santorum that compared homosexuality to incest, bigamy and adultery.

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