Thursday, August 17, 2006

Free Market Works, Afghanistan Opium Production Hits Record High

Under the Taliban, opium production was eliminated, but now under the benevolent gaze of the free market, it's back and bigger than ever! The production is up over 40% since 2005 hitting a record high, accounting for over 90% of the world’s supply. And for Afghanistan? Well opium now makes up over 52% of the country's gross national product.

Congratulations to all the people in the Bush administration for creating another narco-state! Wonder how bad we can screw up Iraq?

And for those folks who think I am glorifying the Taliban, here’s my answer. They were a bunch of religious zealots and extremists. I have little sympathy for them and pity the Afghan people who had to live under such a repressive regime. Theocracies are always a bad thing; not one has ever worked out well, and most end up committing atrocities in the name of their God. Something to remember here in this country as well.

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