Wednesday, August 30, 2006

ABC News Erupts With Supervolcano Non Story! Be Affraid NOW!

Looks like there isn’t enough fear in America for the population to be controllable. Guess what? Now ABC News is thumping a buls*#t story about SUPERVOLCANOES! Yellowstone could explode at any moment and end the world. BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFFRIAD!

Well being a vulcanology enthusiast, I only had to click my browser twice to get to the bottom of this crap. USGS, one of the only government organizations not yet staffed by political hacks has a whole page on Supervolcanoes and since the Discovery Channel did their wacko fictionalized special, the folks at the United States Geological Service decided to set the record straight.

In ABC News story they don’t even have the dates right, much less the science. Why the story? Well there is a special about "The Last Days on Earth" on 20/20. How can I avoid the conclusion that they are selling more fear to try to influence the November elections? Cynical? Damn right I am Cynical!

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