Monday, July 17, 2006

Bush Proposes Cutting Medicare Payments

How would you define compassion? Would it be to cut 20 to 30% of payments for complex medical procedures for Medicare patients? But of course, those old people need to learn to stretch a dollar. As long as we keep coddling them with assistance for medical expenses they will just keep getting sick. So in a move typical of compassionate conservatism the Bush administration is seeking to cut payments to hospitals under Medicare by 20 to 30%.

Hospital administrators and doctors say it will have a devastating effect on the care and wellbeing of the elderly. The government claims its all ni the name of being more accurate. Who do you believe? Well since just about everything else this administration has said has turned out to be a lie, I think for once I trust the doctors.

Cutting Medicare costs before an election? Did these guys have a stroke or are they trying to loose?

Either way, I sincerely hope the Democrats make a point of this and can use it for political gain. We must regain the House and Senate and stop this neo-con leviathan from destroying our country.

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