Finally, someone has the balls to call the Bush administration what it is: "a dangerous band of right wing extremists’. And who is it that dares to state the truth? Al Gore in a recent appearance in England. Why does it take Al Gore to stand up and speak the truth? Because the Democrats in Congress are either too impotent or cowed by blackmail threats to stand up and do the same.
Enough already! It’s time that American’s stopped lying to ourselves and saw these Bush and Company guys for what they are. They are as close to fascists as our country has ever come and unless they are stopped, now, we will become a failed state and vanish. The November elections are critical. Voting is not a choice it is an imperative. Say what you will about the Democrats, but they are the only hope right now. Third parties won’t cut it in the short term and if the Congress stays in the hands of the Neo-cons, there might not be another chance to change things.
And for those who find the above satirical artwork offensive, good. Maybe it will make you consider the potential threat an unchecked dictator poses to the world.
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