Sunday, April 30, 2006

300,000 March For Peace In NYC

Calling for an immediate withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Iraq, an estimated 300,000 concerned Americans took to the streets in New York City. Demonstrators stretched for over 10 blocks as they marched from Union Square down Broadway to Foley Square for the rally.

Speakers included Cindy Sheehan, Susan Sarandon, Rev. Al Sharpton and the Rev. Jesse Jackson among others. The march had a more poignant tone sine April has the distinction of being the month with the highest number of US troop deaths this year. The total number of US troops who have died in this war is now over 2400.

The tone of the day was set by the comments of one protestor, Marjori Ramos who said, "We've been lied to, and they're going to lie to us again to bring us a war in Iran". The they obviously being the Bush administration who is moving forward with their plans for an Iran war and tests for tactical nuclear weapons.

This dramatic demonstration, though it was as big as the Immigration Marches a few weeks ago has not drawn the press coverage of that march. Media bias? That's my guess.

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